Plex and Subsonic on Synology NAS

My situation is as follows:

Telenet cable internet (modem only) – Fritzbox router – Switch – Synology NAS

I wanted to be able to reach the Subsonic and the Plex daemon running on my Synology NAS.

So I decided to setup 2 subdomains and with a reverse proxy (on apache) reach the daemons.

I have a subdomain, which points to my dynamic IP address (my fritzbox router updates it when the IP changes).

I created 2 extra subdomains (each with a cname to   (this one has to point to Subsonic)   (this one has to point to Plex)

In DSM 5.2 (the Synology web interface) I activated WebStation in the control pannel. I also activated ssl (with a self signed certificate -> creating a good one will be my next step (and blog post)).

I logged in (ssh with root) to my Synology and changed the following:

$cd /etc/httpd/sites-enabled-user
$nano httpd-ssl-vhost.conf-user

Put the following in the httpd-ssl-vhost.conf-user file (change the ServerName to yours):


<VirtualHost *:443>
SSLEngine On
SSLProxyEngine On
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyVia Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
<VirtualHost *:443>
SSLEngine On
SSLProxyEngine On
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyVia Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /


On the Fritzbox router, forward port 443 (ssl) to port 443 on the Synology ( in my case).

Restart Apache

$httpd -k restart

Now you can reach Subsonic via
You can reach Plex via (notice the /web/ in the end!)


RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/web
RewriteCond %{HTTP:X-Plex-Device} ^$
RewriteRule ^/$ /web/$1 [R,L]

just before the closing of the tag, should help you to get rid of the /web/ and reach Plex on



Verder te bekijken:

Subsonic on Synology NAS

So I installed Subsonic on my synology NAS.

I installed the standalone version, because all the rest (docker, spk, …)was giving some kind of problem (no transcoding, file permissions, …)


ssh to NAS with root

First of all, install ipkg (follow:

after ipkg is installed, do:

$ipkg update
$ipkg install ffmpeg
$ipkg install bash

Now for the Subsonic part:

$mkdir /var/subsonic/standalone
$ tar xvzf subsonic-6.0-standalone.tar.gz
$ cd /var/subsonic/transcode

In the transcode folder create a symbolic link to ffmpeg

$ln -s /usr/syno/bin/ffmpeg ffmpeg

Edit the file as needed
go to bash (you installed via ipkg):


Start subsonic:

$ cd /var/subsonic/standalone/
$ nohup ./ &

  •  the reason to install bash via ipkg is that the synology “bash” doesn’t support nohup, so Subsonic stops after you logout of your ssh session.


As an alternative, you can also install Tomcat (via the repositories) and deploy the war (mind you, you need to manually create the folder /var/subsonic  and /var/subsonic/trancode with the symbolic link to ffmpeg)

LG G2 D802 reboot to recovery & hard reset.

  • Recovery: With the device powered down, hold Volume Down & Power. When the LG logo appears release the buttons and then press them again. Then, press the Power button three times!
  • Bootloader: With the device powered down, plug in a USB cable while pressing Volume Up.
  • Hard reset: press volume up and power for a very long time 😉

Eerste bbq

Dankzij dit zonnige weekend hebben we al eens een bbq try-out kunnen doen.

De vergrijzing…

… kan nu starten!



We hadden nooit gedacht dat we er zelfs maar één te zien zouden krijgen, dus je kan je wel inbeelden dat onze vreugde groot was bij het aanschouwen van dit resultaat:

De lente komt!

Vandaag kwamen met de eerste narcissen, ook de schapen en de lammetjes op de weide! De zonsondergang mocht er ook wel zijn. Na een lange donkere periode, eindelijk terug wat zon.